Keeping the Faith

The program is designed to help create leaders in the church and in society who possess an examined faith, demonstrate empathy for others and seek a lifetime of personal growth. As a Religion and Philosophy major, you will develop career skills such as reading and understanding complex materials, making logical arguments, explaining ideas clearly in oral and written form and thinking about big ideas from multiple perspectives. You will learn strong critical thinking skills and adaptability which are essential for future success.

The C-SC Difference

The religion and philosophy program has a long history of preparing students for seminary and graduate school. C-SC’s affiliation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) means that we seek to welcome groups that have been historically marginalized in the United States. Understanding the origins and development of Christianity, we are prepared to demonstrate the relevance of the Bible and Christian thought for current situations. C-SC recently opened a track for students interested in pursuing a career immediately after earning a bachelor’s degree.

C-SC was a major factor in my progression to become an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The ability to hear, discuss and digest the deeper issues of life, faith and community enabled me to flourish once I matriculated in seminary. What I learned at C-SC was the rock solid foundation upon which my formal education lay, enabling me to become the minister I am today.

– Rev. Will Ryan ’11

What can I do with a Religion and Philosophy Degree?

Ministry following further education
Youth ministry
Social work
Not-for-profit management
C-SC is the only college within

100 miles in any direction

that is affiliated with a mainline Protestant tradition.

Beyond the Classroom

  • Student Experiences
    • Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society in Religion
    • Peer Tutoring opportunities
    • DOC on Campus
  • Professional Experiences
    • Exploratory and Professional Internships
    • Student leadership opportunities are available at local churches