Dr. Sniezek received his Bachelor of Arts from Culver-Stockton College in 1977. He continued his medical education to earn medical and public health degrees from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Joe Sniezek worked at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where he retired in 2018. During his 32-year career, he served in various capacities, including injury control, arthritis, well-being, and the prevention of birth defects. His research in birth defect prevention included lessening fetal alcohol syndrome, global prevention of neural tube defects, and a communications campaign to increase awareness of developmental milestones.
Since retirement, Joe spends his time gardening, baking, and studying horticulture at his local community college. His favorite places to volunteer are Southside Wellness Center, CHIPS (Children’s Health Insurance Program), and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Joe enjoys returning to “the Hill” to guest-lecture in various science classes. Dr. Sniezek resides in St. Louis with his spouse, Carl, and his stepson, Caden.