Keynote – "It’s Just Life"- The Impact of Complex Trauma, Angel Knoverek, PhD, LCPC/LPC, ACS
This module explores the types of chronic trauma, the prevalence of complex trauma, and the diagnostic issues related to complex trauma. Eight domains of complex trauma will be discussed in depth: affect regulation, behavioral control, physical health, cognition, dissociation, self-concept, attachment and future orientation.
10:45-12:00 Sessions
Complex Trauma and Neurobiology-Angel Knoverek, PhD, LCPC/LPC, ACS
This module establishes a foundational understanding of what is happening in the brain and body in response to a perceived threat. It will help participants identify when a neurobiological response has been activated, so we can better match our intervention approach in the moment. Participants who complete this module, should be able to: describe basic information on brain circuits, explain brain and body functioning during a traumatic event or when someone is triggered and apply neurobiology to understand emotional and behavioral responses.
Evidence-Based Practices to Support Parents, Lindsey Knochel, MSW, LCSW
This module emphasizes the importance of addressing caregiver needs and skills when working with childhood trauma. It will include techniques for engagement with client caregivers, and outline strategies for guiding clients on regulation, attunement, and effective responses to youth behavior.
Complex Trauma in Immigrant and Refugee Families
This training explores the nature of complex traumatic stress disorders for immigrant and refugee families as they go through the process of migration. It covers possible presentation in clinical settings as well as approaches for working with this population. Participants will learn best practices when working with immigrant and refugee families, including special considerations for working with children and adolescents. There will be a discussion on secondary/vicarious trauma in working with this population.