How much does C-SC Cost?

Cost Includes:

  • Full-Time Tuition - $30,230
  • Housing - $4,360
  • Food - $5,750
  • Unified Student Fee - $595
24-25 Cost
Graduate & Professional Studies Web Icons (27)

You are Worth it!

We know that’s a big investment, but keep in mind that in the Fall of 2023 the average private college cost was $53,740 while Culver-Stockton was $39,420 which is 27% lower! We are a good value! 

Importantly, we know you are worth the investment and we want you to see how you can fit the pieces together to pay for your education.

We have lots of ways for you to fill in the missing pieces!

Merit Scholarships Piece

Merit Scholarships

First we subtract your merit scholarship. All first-year students are eligible for a merit scholarship up to $17,000 per year.

Here's an example of a student receiving the President's Scholarship for earning a GPA between 3.55-3.99 from high school.

This merit scholarship would cover 36% of your costs.

Awards & Grants Piece

Awards & Grants

Next, we see if you are eligible for awards such as talent scholarships in athletics, fine arts, shooting sports, and esports, as well as Legacy, C-SC Grants, and Disciples of Christ Scholarships.

Then we subtract federal and state grants which are based on information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which might include Pell Grants and state awarded grants.

Our average student earns additional grant money of $8,183 which covers about 21% of your costs. 

Loans Puzzle Piece


The next piece of the puzzle is student loans of up to $5,500 for first-year students through the federal loan process. Our average student actually takes out $5,917 in federal loans which covers an additional 15% of the costs.

These first three pieces to the puzzle cover about 71% of the yearly cost.

Family Contribution Puzzle Piece

Family Contribution

This is what is actually left for the family to pay for the student's education. To help you cover this cost, there are many job opportunities on and off campus and possible private scholarships. Our average first-year student generally covers $12,500 of the cost, or 28% of the full cost of tuition, fees, housing and meals.

Completed Financial Aid Puzzle

Complete your Puzzle!

To meet the remaining costs, students have opportunities to work on or near our campus. Students are also encouraged to apply for the many private scholarships available. Some of these will be available through your local high school while others might be through national competitions. Finally, there are other loan possibilities our financial aid staff can help you navigate.

You can afford a private, four-year education and you deserve to have it. We can't wait to help you find all the pieces.