Teaching the future about the past
History Education puts you into a career where you can make the world a better place by preparing students to lead productive lives as well-informed citizens. History is the bedrock upon which much of education lies – you teach about events and personalities of the past but also how to think about the past. You learn to determine whether information is reliable or not and can pass this skill on to your students. More than ever we need good history teachers and if you are ready to learn, we are prepared to help you enter a successful and satisfying career.
The C-SC Difference
C-SC faculty regularly use a number of highly creative classroom techniques like “Reacting to the Past” role-playing games. In recent years these have included The Constitutional Convention of 1787, Henry VIII and the Reformation Parliament, The Threshold of Democracy: Athens in 403 B.C.E., Kentucky, 1861: Loyalty, State, and Nation and Greenwich Village, 1913: Suffrage, Labor and the New Woman. You play the parts and determine the outcomes – yes, you can change history in your classroom. Our faculty comes with specialized expertise in women’s and military history, African-American and Environmental history, and the Crusades and Middle Eastern history.
What can I do with a History Education Degree?
3+2 M.Ed. Program
Beyond the Classroom
Student Experiences
- Culver-Stockton Student Teaching Organization (CSTO)
- Public presentations of Research
- Honor Society Phi Alpha Theta
Professional Experiences
- Classroom Observations (freshman through junior years)
- Student Teaching (senior year)
- Travel Study courses to Guatemala, Vietnam, Peru and Italy
- Professional education conferences