Student artwork from the art departments at Quincy University and Hannibal LaGrange University was submitted for competition, along with C-SC student artwork for this inaugural event. All participating schools were called to submit their top twenty art pieces which could be selected from graphic design, painting, drawing, sculpture and photography.

Steven Walker and Keelie O’Brien, both C-SC students, were awarded top honors of Best of Show. Walker’s entry titled, “Just Me” was a self-portrait aimed to capture the artist in his natural habitat. The charcoal drawing was inspired by Caravaggio and Rembrant using the chiaroscuro method of intense light on one side of the face and very little on the other. O’Brien’s piece titled “Blooming Beauty” is a pastel landscape painting that was featured in her senior show and represents discovering beauty in hidden pieces surrounding our everyday lives.

Honorable mention awards were presented to:
Alexis Martin and Courtney Kernich from QU;
Amanda Pendergast and Emily Woodhurst from HLGU;
Gabrielle King, Keelie O’Brien, Morgan Zavoral, Steven Walker and William Klotzbach from C-SC.

Merit awards were presented to QU students Peyton Wiseman, Matt Stefan and Kori Kay Obert. HLGU merit awardees Reagan Jackson, Trinity Allen (2) and Emily Woodhurst (2). Merit award recipients from C-SC included Steven Walker and Morgan Zavoral.

Debra Myers, C-SC Art Department Chair, collaborated with HLGU’s Michael Chlebanoski to create the event. While the original event idea included a show in the Mabee Art Gallery at C-SC, COVID guidelines required a format change to a virtual gallery exhibit. Myers reflected, “While this was our first exhibit, we know it will change and improve each year. Next year we intend to have separate categories including graphic design, 2D and 3D design. It is also our hope that more colleges will participate in the future. This has been a great experience for our students to see their work in an intercollegiate exhibition!”

Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.

NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.