Culver-Stockton College (C-SC), a private Christian liberal arts college offering 80 major and minor tracks, announced today that Dr. Kimberly Gaither will be the interim vice president of academic affairs. Gaither will replace Dr. Lauren Schellenberger, who accepted the position of president at C-SC, both beginning their new roles on July 1, 2023.
Previously serving as the Vice President of Enrollment Management, Gaither provided oversight for all recruitment and retention-based services, as well as marketing and financial aid. A valuable asset to the college, she has helped lead the institution in various roles for more than twenty years, serving in administrative roles and also as a long-time faculty member. Gaither is also active with the Higher Learning Commission, having served as a peer reviewer for many other colleges and universities since 2018. Gaither said she is honored to serve in this role as the college seeks its new Provost and VPAA, “As an alumnus, I owe a lot to Culver-Stockton College, and I am honored to assist the College in this way as we navigate this exciting transition on ‘the Hill.’”
President-elect Schellenberger said the college will begin a national search for its next academic leader in the fall but is confident of Gaither’s ability to “sustain Culver-Stockton’s growth trajectory.” She said, “Kim is well-known for her administrative leadership on campus, her academic accomplishments, and her understanding of higher education in a global sense. With Kim’s leadership in academic affairs, we will continue to grow our programs and strengthen our offerings during this interim period.”
Gaither graduated from C-SC with a bachelor of science in business administration and finance before completing her MBA at Western Illinois University. She earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration from North Central University and specializes in financial management. A Canton native, she has been employed at Culver-Stockton since 2003.
Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at pr@culver.edu or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.
NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.