Culver-Stockton College graduate Amanda Brown-DeClue (’18) will showcase her artwork during a special exhibition set to open 3-5 p.m. Oct. 28 in the Mabee Art Gallery on campus. During the opening day of the exhibit, she will hold a discussion at 3:30 p.m. about the inspiration for her artwork and the methods she uses to create the pieces.

Brown-DeClue is an artist living and working in Quincy, Illinois. Her preferred mediums are painting and drawing, and she said she enjoys pushing herself to grow as an artist. The featured work for the show will include pieces that showcase landscapes using soft pastels. She said these pieces highlight known locations and are tied to a memory.

The exhibit will also feature non-objective mixed media pieces that Brown-DeClue has created. During the event, students and other attendees will have an opportunity to speak with Brown-DeClue to ask questions and talk about the artist’s work and passion for the industry.

Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.

NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.