The holiday event will feature games, prizes, and candy. The event will also promote the Teal Pumpkin Project, a global movement to recognize those with food allergies and provide safe, inclusive fun for all. C-SC will provide candy and non-candy alternatives throughout the event.
Those attending are asked to bring canned food or non-perishable items for donation to the local food pantry. Those items can be dropped off at the registration table.
For questions or more information about the event, contact CSTO sponsor Lacy Harrison at lharrison@culver.edu.
Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at pr@culver.edu or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.
NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.