The day will begin with an opening session titled “Literacy Matters,” from 9-10 a.m. in Dulaney Hall. The keynote speaker is Julie Schuetz, a literacy advocate and mom. Schuetz’s presentation will highlight the importance of literacy instruction in all content areas as well as the social and emotional impact on students who struggle with literacy skills. A meeting for education majors will follow at 10 a.m.

A breakout session is scheduled for 10:25 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. One session will include a poverty simulation in Dulaney Hall by Denise Damron of the United Way. Betsy Parrish will present a session about MakerSpace/project-based learning in room 302 of Henderson Hall, and a third session will be held by Kevin Hillman covering coaching and administration in room 308.

Molly Mitola, a C-SC English education alumna and school librarian, will discuss how banned books affect diversity and inclusion from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Meaders Lounge. She will repeat the session from 1 p.m. to 1:55 p.m. in room 308 of Henderson. Both of these presentations will be eligible for ACE credit for students who attend. C-SC alumnus Jesse Uhlmeyer ’03, superintendent of the Canton R-V School District, will present a tour of the community from 12:20-1 p.m. and will repeat the session from 1:00-1:55 p.m. This session will include a school bus ride around the community and surrounding rural areas to discuss different types of living conditions and home environments experienced by rural students, as well as a discussion about the importance of understanding each student’s unique home environment.

Other presentations in a second breakout session from 1 p.m. to 1:55 p.m. will include talks from Quincy Public School officials Eryn Beswick, Lisa Otten, and Marilyn Smith, who will cover employment opportunities and interviewing in Dulaney Hall. Sgt. Devon Willis of the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office will deliver lockdown tips to attendees in room 302 of Henderson to prepare students for an emergency situation while they are observing or teaching in area classrooms.

Education students are encouraged to attend the entire day and will need permission from professors to miss classes and be responsible for any missed assignments.

Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.

NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.