Wildcat Willie

Hop on the Hill is open to children ages birth to 10 years old with categories three and under, four to six, and seven to 10. Countless eggs filled with treats, trinkets, and special prize tickets will be scattered across the field, and Wildcat Willie will be available for photos with children. Light snacks and drinks will be available for free-will donation. Money raised will be given to support the groups hosting the event. Event check-in begins at 10 a.m. on the Richeson Track, within Ellison-Poulton Football Stadium. The egg hunt will begin for all ages at 10:30 a.m. Advance registration is preferred and can be completed online at http://bit.ly/hoponthehill2024. All pre-registered participants are guaranteed a Wildcat Willie swag bag that can be used to collect the eggs.

“This year, the C-SC teachers organization and ATO fraternity have joined together to make this event happen. I’m thankful our Culver-Stockton groups have servant-leader hearts and are so eager to help with this highly anticipated and much-enjoyed community-focused event,” stated Lacy Harrison, Culver-Stockton College lecturer in Education. “I know parents and children will enjoy getting to participate in this year’s event.”

In inclement weather, the event will be held in the Mabee Center. Please monitor the College’s Facebook page for weather announcements.  For questions regarding Hop on the Hill, please contact Harrison via email at lharrison@culver.edu.

Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at pr@culver.edu or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.

NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.