“There is so much more to the science of reading than phonics,” stated Dr. Lindsay Uhlmeyer. “We’ve known for decades what a complex process that teaching reading encompasses.” According to DESE, LETRS ®  training provides sustained and job- embedded professional learning. Teachers will develop evidence-based foundational knowledge and the expertise to deliver explicit and systematic instruction focused on the essential skills that positively affect long-term systemic change in literacy outcomes.

Students at Culver-Stockton are among only a handful of cohorts at colleges and universities across the state who are being trained as part of their undergraduate coursework. The participants in the course supplement their learning by working directly with practicum students in kindergarten and second grade through a partnership with Canton R-V. “LETRS ® has provided me with knowledge that not only allows me to teach students to read but also makes the process so simple. It broke down complex practices and concepts into easy-to-apply instruction backed by research,” stated Eva Manuel, Culver-Stockton education major. “I found myself reevaluating everything I had thought I knew about reading instruction and rebuilding that knowledge with researched backed practices that will only benefit my future students.” C-SC students work with these young learners to improve critical language and literacy skills while gaining valuable experience in a mutually beneficial relationship.

C-SC faculty members Dr. Cindy Whiston, Professor Lacy Harrison, and Dr. Lindsay Uhlmeyer completed LETRS ® Vol. 1 training during the 2022-23 school year and are on track to complete Vol. 2 in May 2024. Uhlmeyer has been trained as a LETRS ® Vol. 1 facilitator and will train the undergraduate students.

For more information about Culver-Stockton College and this program visit the education major page. Admissions questions can be directed to the admission department, 573-288-6000 or admission@culver.edu.

Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at pr@culver.edu or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.

NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.