The opening of Crowded Creativity, C-SC capstone project for seniors, will be held Saturday, December, 7 from 2-4 pm, located in the Mabee Gallery. Culver-Stockton College’s Mabee Gallery is located in the Herrick Foundation Center and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Senior capstone projects allow C-SC students to exhibit the knowledge they’ve gained and skills obtained through coursework during their undergraduate careers. This year’s “Crowded Creativity” show will host the works of 11 graphic design students and two fine arts students. Graphic design students include Abigail Bliven, Abigail Brancato, Bradley Collins, Noah Crenshaw, Alexandria Hedgecock, Katherine Kindhart, Victorya Knoverek, Christian Logue, Jair Romo, Nicholas Spannaus, and Faith Younce. The art education students include Andrea Altiser, Brandi Beckett, and Selina Guzman.


Abigail Bliven is from Quincy, Illinois. She states, “I have always been drawn to creativity, organization, and problem solving, and graphic design checks all of those boxes.” Abigail Brancato is from Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Her capstone is titled Kansas City Titans. Brancato quotes Paul Rand, “Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.” Bradley Collins is from Clarence, Missouri. He states, “Graphic design has always been a way for me to express myself and show people what I’m capable of!” Noah Crenshaw is from Canton, Missouri. His capstone is titled Lewis Street Playhouse Rebrand. Crenshaw states, “Anything can be done with imagination and a #2 pencil.” Selina Guzman is from Springfield, Illinois. Her capstone piece is titled Tio Ringo. Guzman states, “My pieces consist of individuals who have shown me a sense of home because, within this lifetime, we are all just walking each other home.” Alexandria Hedgecock is from New London, Iowa. She states, “I think that both music and design go hand in hand. Both can get chaotic, but can also be beautiful.” Katherine Kindhart is from Camp Point, Illinois. She states, “I always try to challenge myself to better my work, I feel like that’s how I learn better.” Victorya Knoverek is from Quincy, Illinois. Her capstone is titled Missouri Counseling Association. Knoverek states, “I’m always looking to create something with purpose and meaning.” Christian Logue is from Glen Carbon, Illinois. He states, “Many of my works are inspired from the books and cartoons I’ve watched and read, so I aspire to influence others through my own illustrations.” Jair Romo is from Muscatine, Iowa. He states, “Go even further beyond your limits.” Nicholas Spannaus is from Decatur, Illinois. He states, “Transforming views one lens at a time.” Faith Younce is from Bonney Lake, Washington. She states, “As a marketing/graphic design major, I’m always thinking about ways to market and share my passions with the world. What better way to do that than with my own baseball team? I mean seriously, ‘How can you not be romantic about baseball?’ ~ Moneyball”


Andrea Altiser is from Hannibal, Missouri. Her capstone is titled Precious Moment ‘06. She states, “Art is an important part of my life, and I cannot wait for it to become an important part of my students’ lives as well.” Brandi Beckett is from Hannibal, Missouri. Her capstone is titled Pansies. She states, “My goal is to inspire my students to believe they are capable of anything. It is my mission to push my students to brighter horizons, no matter where they start or come from. “You’re Braver than you Believe, Stronger than you Seem, and Smarter than you Think.” -Winnie the Pooh.

Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.

NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.