United State Bank Presents Culver-Stockton College with Donation to Support Students and the Community

“Community partnerships are instrumental in furthering our mission at Culver-Stockton College,” stated President Lauren Schellenberger. “We are thankful to United State Bank for their current support of the IDEA Center, which serves as a focal point for unique experiential learning opportunities for our students of promise.”

The IDEA (Innovation, Design, & Experiential Activities) Center is located at the heart of the C-SC campus and serves as a physical space for collaboration, innovation, and learning. The Center, which includes a classroom space, breakout rooms, and an executive conference room, provides a great environment for students, faculty, and staff to form creative partnerships for the betterment of the Canton community, region, and beyond.

Pictured left to right: Randy Trenhaile, Chief Lending Executive Officer, Carolyn Schaller, Senior Vice President, C-SC President Dr. Lauren Schellenberger, Kayla Merrell, Mortgage Loan Officer, Luke Rothweiler, Senior Vice President

Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at pr@culver.edu or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.

NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.