C-SC Harmony Magazine Receives Recognition

C-SC Harmony Magazine Receives Recognition

February 28, 2018

In December of 2017, Culver-Stockton College received recognition for its Literary & Arts Magazine, Harmony. The staff who participated in the 40th volume of the magazine received awards at the end of 2017.…

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Students from C-SC Participate in "This Week in Missouri Politics"

February 16, 2018

Students from C-SC had the opportunity to travel to St. Louis to sit down and discuss politics with This Week in Missouri Politics Host, Scott Faughn. You can watch the…

C-SC Athletic Training Students Win 1st in MoATA Quiz Bowl

C-SC Athletic Training Students Win 1st in MoATA Quiz Bowl

February 8, 2018

Culver-Stockton College’s athletic training students traveled to Central Methodist University on Saturday, February 3, where they placed 1st in the 6th Annual Missouri Athletic Trainers’ Association Educators and Student Leadership Conference.

PHOTO: Dr. Patrick Hotle in Esfahan, Iran, in 2015 Dr. Patrick Hotle will attend a conference from January 31 through Feb 2 hosted by the University of Haifa in Israel entitled “The Latin East in the 13th Century: Institutions, Settlements and Material Culture.” This commemorates the 800th anniversary of the Fifth Crusade (1217-21). Hotle will be chairing a session entitled “Planning for Crusade and Crusading in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries.” The Fifth Crusade was an attempt under the leadership of popes Innocent III and Honorius III to recapture Jerusalem and the holy land by attacking through Egypt. Initially the Crusader army made of contingents of Hungarians, Austrians, Germans, Flemish and Dutch soldiers was successful at Damietta. However, when they marched on Cairo the Egyptians under Sultan Al-Kamil used the Nile River to flood the Crusader Army. They were forced to surrender and return to Europe. The Crusade was notable for its size and expense as well as the presence of St. Francis of Assisi who attempted to convert the sultan. Hotle will extend his stay in Israel by a couple days in order to visit and collect information on Acre, the well-preserved last capital of the Kingdom of Jerusalem; its fall to the Egyptian Mamluks in 1291 marked the end of the Crusader states in the Levant. Hotle teaches a course at Culver-Stockton College about the history of the Middle East and the age of the Crusades. During this class, Hotle also features Acre as the location of a simulation called “The Second Crusade: The War Council of Acre, 1148.”

Dr. Patrick Hotle Invited to Israel Conference

January 25, 2018

PHOTO: Dr. Patrick Hotle in Esfahan, Iran, in 2015 Dr. Patrick Hotle will attend a conference from January 31 through Feb 2 hosted by the University of Haifa in Israel entitled…