Culver-Stockton made the decision to add competitive shotgun sports to their athletic program for various reasons but credits geographical region for the choice. Pat Atwell, C-SC Athletic Director, noted that several schools within the conference had teams, which would provide the College an opportunity to compete. “Many area high schools have shotgun sports and there are several colleges and universities with teams in the Heart of America conference; it made sense to add shotgun sports to our lineup,” Atwell stated.
C-SC President Dr. Douglas B. Palmer recognizes the growth of shotgun sports in the nearby communities and views Culver-Stockton as the next step in the journey for those students. “Many local students have participated in 4-H and FFA and engaged in shotgun sports. Adding this new sport to Wildcat athletics provides these students an opportunity to continue competitive shooting in college, ” Palmer said. “With the addition of some of our new majors, we were intentional to also add an athletic opportunity that provides students a home to thrive in a competitive environment that they enjoy, while preparing them for their professional careers.”
Culver-Stockton College Shotgun Sports will use the Quincy Gun Club, located in West Quincy, Missouri as their home facility with a goal of competing in trap, skeet and sporting clays. The College will begin their search for the Shotgun Sports Head Coach immediately.
Contact the Marketing & Public Relations Office, at pr@culver.edu or 573-288-6000 ext. 6728 for more information.
NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.