Faculty presents retiring president with proclamation

Faculty presents retiring president with proclamation

April 28, 2020

The surprise presentation was made during an online meeting of the faculty assembly. The proclamation was read by Dr. Chad DeWaard, chair of the faculty assembly and an associate professor of political science.

Three local Vietnam War soldiers on Veterans Day panel

Three local Vietnam War soldiers on Veterans Day panel

November 7, 2019

An event to recognize Veterans Day and honor three Vietnam War soldiers from Canton for their service will be at 11:40 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 11 in Merillat Chapel on the campus of Culver-Stockton College.

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Discussion on presidential impeachment set for Wednesday

October 14, 2019

A faculty panel discussion on the history and constitutional procedures associated with presidential impeachment will be held at 11:40 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16 in Meaders Lounge on the Culver-Stockton College campus.