Reverend Dr. Kennebrew

Tuesday evening’s keynote address “Who is my Neighbor? Design Thinking as a Strategy for Personal and Social Transformation” was held in the Merillat Chapel, inside the Robert W. Brown Performing Arts Center (PAC). During her presentation, she provided insight to the audience on how the world we live in is ever-changing, and how we can position ourselves to change the world by answering the question “Who is my neighbor?”

Kennebrew is a Reverend in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). In 2017 Dr. Kennebrew, along with other colleagues, developed “The Living Room Chrisitan Fellowship” in Clarkston, Georgia. The fellowship serves as a gathering for believers who join each other to seek, serve, and celebrate. The vision of the program is to serve as a place for believers to experience life, love, liberation, and laughter.

The relationship between the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Culver-Stockton College is a rich part of the history of the college. In Dr. Kennebrew’s short time on campus, students were given the opportunity to witness Kennebrew’s energetic passion for ministry and learn how they can incorporate the principles of “Who is my Neighbor” into their everyday lives in this ever-changing world.

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NOTE: A number that appears immediately after a person’s name (i.e. Jane Doe ’18) is a reference to the year that person earned their bachelor’s degree from Culver-Stockton.